Course Graduation

Congratulations on completing this course! We have covered a lot of material in the past 36 lessons! Let's discuss what comes next on your data science learning journey.

From here you have a lot of options. If you have found data science to be to your liking, you can continue on to the intermediate level course (upcoming). We also have a projects section which utilizes the fundamentals we learned in this course in practical ways. You have learned everything you need to cover the Beginner level projects there.

It is worth noting that we have kept the amount of math in this course to a minimum. If you go on to the Intermediate level course and continue on your data science journey, then a greater amount of math will be used. As such, another option is to take the Math for data science course (upcoming) before heading to the Intermediate level course. For example, in this course we covered vectors, and in the math course we cover matrices, which are higher dimensional vectors. Lastly, at some point you will want or need to start coding in your own local environment. In the supplementary lesson we will go over how to install a package manager along with packages.

Lastly, at some point you will want or need to start coding in your own local environment, in the next and last lesson we will go over how to install R and two applications that can be used to code in R, RStudio and VS-Code.