String Concatenation with Paste

In this lesson, we introduce two convenient functions for combining strings: paste and paste0. While the concepts behind these functions are straightforward, we've chosen to explore them at this stage in the course to demonstrate their utility in conjunction with a Tidyverse function.


Imagine we have two variables, a and b, storing the strings "blue" and "mountain," respectively. Our goal is to merge these strings into a single phrase, "blue mountain". This can be achieved effortlessly using the paste function. Let's see it in action.


We can do the same thing using paste0. This function differs from the previous in that there will be no space separated between the two variables, as such we would see the string bluemountain instead of blue mountain. As such we need to add a space in between the two variables.

Two applications

A practical application of these functions is merging strings with variables to create a new string. In the next code editor we will embed a number into a string. To convert the number datatype to a string datatype we use the as.character function. For a review on datatypes, feel free to review the Datatypes lesson.

Next, let's see an application of paste0 with the iris dataset. The only string variable we have is Species, let's append -flower after every species string and give this new column the name Flower.

Okay that's it for this short lesson, next on to the exciting world of loops!