Datatypes - Boolean

Boolean might be a new term. However what it represents should be familiar.

Boolean is binary in representing True and False, equivalently 1 and 0.

When it comes to booleans, there is no middle ground, it's either True, or it's False.

In Python, the words True and False are reserved for these boolean types. Don't confuse these with their lower-case counterparts true and false, which do not have the same special meaning in Python; though may represent booleans in other programming languages.

We have just touched the surface of booleans in this lesson. When we cover conditionals, we'll see how useful boolean values are. While boolean basics may seem simple, in Boolean algebra, combining booleans can get complex, making it challenging to determine what's true or false. We'll explore examples in our Operators with Booleans lesson. For now, let's explore other datatypes.