Welcome to Intermediate Software Development!

Course Summary

Welcome to the intermediate course on software development!

This course is meant for students that are looking towards a potential career as a software developer. We will focus on topics that a university student would learn, as well as topics that are common in interviews.

However, this course is not exclusively for those students, we also encourage anyone with an interest in programming to take this course, as it will help you grow as a programmer. Or anyone that has proficiency in one language and wish to gain fluency in another.

This course assumes knowledge gained in one of Digi Cafe's beginner courses on software development. If you think you have the prerequisite knowledge, then feel free to stick around and see if the material is right for you.

The structure of this course is a bit different than the beginner levels. Here, most lessons will be a bit more general in wording, explaining concepts and giving definitions, then code examples and interactive code sessions will be in a specific language. This should provide a student a solid understanding of the material as well as enable the ability to switch languages based on preferences.


Learning Goals

Here is exactly what we will cover in this course:

We hope you enjoy your time here!